Hello. I hope you all are doing well, and are safe at home. I’m also fine. I am currently enjoying my winter vacation. I recently started studying Japanese. It’s really fun and easy once you get the hang of it. Since I’m interested in learning languages, from the experience I’ve gained, I have a friendly suggestion/advice: find a language that interests you, and start learning it. Little by little. For yourself. Very often, mostly on a daily basis, the things we do are either for others or because we were told to do them. I don’t know about others, but this is the case for me at least. So I’ve come to realize that it’s healthy and fun to do things for yourself, too. No matter how pointless they may be. Learn a new language; who knows, maybe one day you might want to live in that country, maybe you’ll want to write in that language, or maybe work as a translator. Do crafting; such as crochet, knitting, basket weaving, cooking, baking, carpeting, etc. Make it a hobby. You may not take them up as careers in the long run, but by doing so you learn new skill sets, you spend time with and for yourself, and you get to explore yourself more. Most importantly, it’s fun and enjoyable.

Thank you for reading. Follow me on my Instagram account:
