Men and Women are the two genders of human beings. Our anatomy is the same, except for a few organs. Both genders are capable of doing the same things, we have the same amount of strength and intellect.

Even so, there are certain things that make us different to each other, or in other words, they make us unique. Such as the communication difference between males and females. Even so, this difference isn’t necessarily bad, it’s just how humans are. Men communicate in order to negotiate for power, try to settle things, avoid failure, or to seek success. Males are capable of feeling strong emotions, but still females are often more sensitive, they communicate to create friendships and relationships. Females are also more sensitive towards the messages that ‘lie between the lines’ in the things that are said to them by a friend, mate, or by someone they know. The reason men speak in class more than women is that many of them find the ‘public’ classroom setting more conductive to speaking whereas most women are comfortable speaking in private to a small group of people. Usually, men are comfortable with taking part in heated conversations. Some females resist discussions they take to being hostile, while other women take part in gossip. Men are much more likely to command and use personal space than women. Men often prefer face-to-face communication, with the opportunity to shake hands or pat someone’s shoulder. Women are usually comfortable speaking with someone side by side and are more comfortable being in close proximity with other women. Men will use an introductory handshake to set the tone for the communication to come. Women, on the other hand, may reach out and touch someone’s arm or offer a hug to build a connection and show support. Researcher Paul Zak, however, found that touch releases a hormone in our brains called oxytocin. The hormone is found in increased numbers when people hug.

These are the most common differences, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that all humans are like this. Some men’s conversation patterns might be like those of a female, and some women’s conversation patterns might be like those of a male. Also, whether a human speaks in a kind manner or in a rude manner, depends totally on there personality and brought-up, their gender can’t define it.