Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.

Author Zainab Waqas

I'm a 17 year old Asian. I'm in A levels. I like reading, writing, sewing, crafting, drawing, cooking, baking, listening to music and gaming. I have written a few amazing short stories and I have drawn and painted beautiful pictures as well.

My Little Pony

My Little Pony Season 8 out on 24th March, 2018. “When the Friendship Map grows bigger to reflect the world beyond Equestria, the Mane 6 realizes they’ll need a way to spread the message of friendship far and wide. Luckily, Twilight… Continue Reading →

Happy New Year 2018!

Places around the World! :D

In the top left corner is the Pakistan Monument in Islamabad. Next to it is a skyscraper from America, New York. Below the Monument is the Eiffel Tower from Paris, France. Below it on the left is an image of… Continue Reading →

My Favorite Image Gallery :D

Happy Spring 2017 :D

Happy Spring 2017, spring comes and flowers bloom, greenery is seen every where.

Happy New Year

And Again:)

Happy Winters And Happy New Year (about to come so no worries) 😀 Have Fun And Have A Good Time 🙂

The wolf mystery;)

One night a girl named Sabrina was in the forest with her sisters Lucy and Molly. Soon when they were half way through they saw a b….big………scar..y………..WOLF. They ran away as fast as they could to there house and locked… Continue Reading →

Make a cake

Moist and chocolatey👏🎂:-D 😄😃😺


In the morning try a salad!! 1 person:) Ingredients:    Quantity: Onions                   1 Tomato                  1 Capsicum              1 Cucumber… Continue Reading →

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