Hi! Welcome to my blog. I made it when I was around 9 years old. I am now 17. I’m an Asian and my Zodiac Sign is Aquarius. I like to draw and write. My hobbies are reading, writing, photography, doing art on and off, daydreaming, crocheting, listening to music, and watching Netflix and animes. I like travelling, aesthetics, and beverages. I’ve had the good fortune of being able to travel to the UAE and KSA so far. I love England and Japan a lot though, and I hope I get to visit them some day, too. My choice of entertainment ranges from rom-coms and slice of life to seriously messed up stuff and true crime. I am currently a student of English Literature, Business, Psychology, and Law. Weird combination, I know, but I’ll hopefully share more about it in the future, should it be useful to anyone. Thank you for reading it all, I hope you enjoy my posts, dear reader. Have a nice day!