One night a girl named Sabrina was in the forest with her sisters Lucy and Molly. Soon when they were half way through they saw a b….big………scar..y………..WOLF. They ran away as fast as they could to there house and locked there door behind for safety. The next morning they went in the forest again but no sign of the wolf. And this time they crossed the whole forest but still no sign. By the time they were half way back they say shadows but no wolf came because they  had there cellphone’s light app and camera app on to get a better look, and first they slowly walked but then they ran as fast as they could. When they were at there home for dinner they heard a screech sound from the attic. Molly and Sabrina weren’t worried but  Lucy was shivering. SURPRISE!!!:D Everyone yelled because it was Lucy’s birthday. Lucy was exited and confused she asked,”What was all this scaring and screeching and shadows for?” Molly said,”We wanted to first scare you and then surprise you.” “Oh I get it,thanks”,Lucy said. “Sorry you got too scared”. Sabrina said. Lucy cutted her birthday cake, everyone wished her and her presents.

And everyone lived happily ever after!!!