Recently, I watched a Netflix-Dreamworks original: She-Ra and another Netflix original: Carmen Sandiego. Both were amazing, interesting and fun. Carmen Sandiego had a lot of general knowledge facts as well. Below are the points and similarities to think about:

  • The protagonists, Adora, and Blacksheep (Carmen) are both villains in the first episodes, although Carmen later becomes a thief who steals from other thieves.
  • Both of them have no idea that the horde or vile academy, respectively, are super bad, exp: killing, world domination, harming the innocent, etc.
  • Adora becomes She-Ra.
  • Blacksheep becomes Carmen Sandiego.
  • Both have no parents, hence lived with criminal masterminds all their lives.
  • Adora’s best friend Catra and Carmen’s best friend Graham both choose to live with the villains and be villains of the series, respectively.
  • Adora makes new friends: Glimmer, Bow, and Swift Wind.
  • Carmen makes new friends: Ivy, Zack, and Player.
  • Coach Brunt took care of Blacksheep.
  • Shadoweaver (a.k.a Light Spinner) took care of Adora.
  • Entrapta from She-Ra and Dr. Saira Bellum from Carmen Sandiego have similar personalities and have the same purpose of existing. Entrapta is kinder than Saira Bellum.
  • Both protagonists wore red formal gowns.
  • Both series have been made again. The old originals are from the 1900s.
  • Catra and Graham use electric sticks.