Alex Rider is a novel series by Anthony Horowitz. It is the best. I have read eleven books and I’m waiting for the twelveth, which is due this year. The series tells the story of a fourteen-year-old schoolboy and how he gets involved in things he should stay out of. The tenth book isn’t about Alex, but I wouldn’t give spoilers to those who haven’t read the series. The series is a thriller, about which read that it keeps you on the edge of your seat, or was that about Harry Potter? Either way, I can vouch that it’s true for both series, especially Alex Rider. The following are some of my favorite quotes from the series.

“Just remember, Alex Rider. You’re never too young to die”

—Mrs. Jones

“Alan Blunt got in touch with me and asked me to put you up here for the rest of the week, to pretend that you’re my son. I have to say, you don’t look anything like me.”

“I don’t look anything like myself either,” Alex said.” 
― Anthony Horowitz, Point Blank

“You’ve already said you were going to kill me,” Alex said, “but I didn’t think that meant you were going to bore me to death.” 
― Anthony Horowitz, Point Blank

“But then, he thought, most politicians are small and shabby, the sort of people who have been bullied at school.

That’s why they become politicians.” 
― Anthony Horowitz, Skeleton Key

Every book in this series contains plenty of general knowledge related facts which are really helpful. And just a piece of advice, do not assume anything when you read a specific chapter name or book title. For example, there’s a chapter from book eleven, Never Say Die, Two Red Roses. If you just read the name, you think it must be calm, peaceful and nice? I won’t spoil the story, but just saying, don’t assume…